September Minutes

SLT Minutes SEPT 29th, 2021

Attendance: Ms. Harris, Ms. Plachy-Feinstein, Mr. Saccoccio, Ms. Brenda Santiago, Ms. Erika Louis, Ms. Simidian, Ms. McGhee, Ms. Baez, Ms. Baltazar

Call to Order: 2:54 PM

Reading of the Minutes:

Roles & Bylaws:

We need parents for SLT & PTA

Goal: Get parents to be a part of PTA, Need election soon

Meetings for the Year: Wednesdays @ 2:45PM: October 27th, November 17th, December 22nd, January 26th, February 9th, March 16th, April 6th, May 25th, June 15th...Longer meetings/In the buildings, we can maybe order dinner.


Ms. Harris, Ms. Louis, Ms. Simidian & Ms. Santiago suggested Ms. McGhee & Ms. Simidian Co-Chair

Secretary: Ms. Simidian

Principals Report

  • Covid19 Protocols/Procedures: Fully up and running, following CDC guidelines: 3 ft apart, Floor markings will be put down in the cafeteria for social distancing when not sitting, students complying with wearing masks especially in cooler weathers, daily evening spraying of classrooms. Classroom closures: Had 3, none currently.

  • New DOE Guidance: DOE will no longer be closing full classrooms. Waiting on guidance about when a student tests positive as far as notifying students' families. Vaccinated students who are not showing symptoms do not have to quarantine. All staff must be vaccinated. Those who are not (first by Oct 4), will be taken off payroll. Visitors must be fully vaccinated unless there is a medical emergency.

  • Technology Updates: All students should have 1:1 devices unless they are being repaired or replaced. Middle school students are being asked to bring devices every day. Elementary students do not need to bring them daily. Ms. Plachy is in charge of all things tech & tech inventory. She is still working on 3K and PreK. Considered having them leave in school, but then they won’t have them for snow days.

  • Curriculum Updates: Wit & Wisdom K-8 ELA, Pilot for 2 Dual Language Programs Adalonte.

  • Assessments; iReady assessments for ELA & Math, teachers have started administering them. K-2 phonics Acadience assessments

  • Parent Nights: This Thursday is “Meet the Teacher” Links will be posted on Google Classroom Streams & Kinvolve them out; November 4th is Parent Teacher Conferences.. All will be virtual

Committee Updates

  • NY EDGE: 1st day Sept 20th; 43 student applications; All staff must be vaccinated by Sept 27th

  • PTA: Uniform Shirts are in the PTA office

Goals for this Year: Things to bring joy to the students in the school: NHS, Shows, Bring Ideas to SLT

Mr. Saccoccio brought up thinking about Prizes for the Carter Store that will motivate the students. Jobs? "Paychecks" to be deposited for those who work.

Next Meeting Agenda - October

  1. Reading/approval of minutes

  2. Principal’s Report

  3. Committee Updates

  4. Roles & Bylaws

  5. Ideas for this school year: GSA, Carter Cash

Adjournment of Meeting Time: 3:46 PM Next Meeting Date: October 2021 Room: Google Meet